Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hope for the future

A cup filled with water, overflowing. It's far too small to contain anymore. The only solution is to pour away some, so that it'll not be suffocated. How bout changing the shape of the cup? Adding more material so that it'll be able to increase it's capacity for what's coming in. But it's not an immediate takes time. Right now the only way to solve this problem is to discard some of its contents, let it breathe and rest while it gets ready for another "operation".

The illustration completely describes my situation now. True enough TLBC has been amazing and enjoyable for me. But, it seems like there's too many information and facts for me to digest and contain. I feel overloaded. Just like when there's a heavy object on the weighing machine, the plate of the machine will sink it's way down. Exactly. Yup, every modules have opened my eyes towards the work of God's hands that i never knew. But the passion and joy of unveiling every mystery in the bible seems to be diminishing. And so, i decided to take a little break. Have a good rest at home and not think about what's taught in school. A good little retreat and talk with God.

Obviously that doesn't mean i shut off completely from what's taught. Still absorbing but at a smaller capacity. This very interesting fact that i came to know is in the book of Romans, Paul actually said that because of the Jews' transgression that results in the salvation of the Gentiles, which is us! And thus we may be called into Israel and we're the children of the promise. All thanks to Israel! :) Another one. The end times would be determined according to the state of Israel. Like who's the authority and all. That's because Israel is the land that God blessed. A covenant God had with Abraham. A promise and hope that all of us can hold on to. A future, though it may seems a little hard to visualise right now. How about this. I remember Pastor Benny telling us about his research on the country Israel. Israel was and still is enjoying great wealth. Companies like haagen daz and happy co. (ben & Jerry) belongs to them too! Though they are a US or UK brand, the company belongs to Israel. Amazing? It's this pleasure of seeing God's word getting more and more vivid and real that kept me "alive".

Many people out there are trying to prove the bible wrong by sending their best archeologists and researchers all over the world. Why not prove the bible right? There's more satisfaction when all that's in the bible become so alive right in front of our eyes that we can say BINGO! :D

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