Monday, February 12, 2007


Wow...all my friends who just got their o's results did well! Congratulations guys! :D May God lead you to the right course! :) well, this week passed really fast and i can see myself busy the coming week again! Boo... :( And something's bad!!! I've yet to complete my book for book review that i due on the 14th... Shucks...

Oh well, i didn't exactly have a good weekend except for the "outings" with friends and the catching up with some others. Yesterday, which is saturday, a really good friend of mine shared about the problem she's facing with regards to the people around her in her workplace. Right today, some stuffs that were said to me by others shook me. It's all about the people in our life.

Now i understand why John Maxwell (or is it another writer, not sure) said that the 2 most important things is life are the books we read and the people around us. I finally see another perspective of why the people around us. It is the very influence, the very words said and actions made that determines your every step next. Really powerful... I remember in one of my previous posts, i mentioned about the fact that i'm a person who can be affected by others rather easily, at times. i'm getting "it" again.

I must admit i was rather affected when my friends said something bad, my weak point, about me. True enough, i know that is my weakness, my flaw. But i really didn't want it! I've been trying to change and get rid of that bad habit if mine and i've really improved. I know they are just kidding and because we are all so close friends that we were so frank. But, there's like other people too!! Some other people who don't really know me yet! Right away i felt a little condemnation. I felt as though i'm really bad, full of flaws, really really bad. I took a step back, went home myself today and gave a good thought. I complained to God, i teared. It's just me to be so sensitive about little things. But i thank God for reminding me, of not to conform to the patterns of the world, to always stand upon His truth, to be like Jesus. Sometimes i wish my friends would encourage me instead of teasing me about my weakness. I know they are kidding and all these are just for pure laughter and i can take it, i don't mind being made fun of, "bullied". Sometimes, and i mean sometimes, i rather not have it. :( Is that an expectation? I don't think so. Its just my opinion, choice, preference. And i know that we are all made differently, react to things differently and think differently. I believe there are many others who were or are hurt by what i say, do or react. If i really did and you're reading this, i'm sorry.

Lesson learnt. Really to be careful of not only my tongues, but my action and reaction. Facial expression, words, movements. At the same time not to do all these to "por" others. (What a thin line.) Live your life like yourself! :) I know that there may be many who don't agree with my thinking and who thinks that its rather "stupid" to be troubled about such things. But i believe its something that we must be wary about. Something that can be so crucial especially in the working field.

I'm going to really try...really hard to kick my bad habit and to be sensitive to others. I would like to apologise first, to those who i will be hurting, for i am really not perfect.

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