Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Love...what's that?

It's been almost 2 weeks since i blogged...why? Haha...just trying to clear up some thoughts and issues in life.

Well, i'm going to work at the student care centre near my house, full-time, for a month, starting next next week. I guess it'll be a place to really practice what i've learnt for the past many many years from the tolerance, patience, love, compassion... ... Nevertheless, i'm looking forward to many fun and interesting lessons from God! :) better than idling all day long, watching vcd, going out and spend $$ and playing games which are super wasting time.

Recently, the word love seems to be occupying my mind so much so that i feel nudged. I started thinking of the real meaning of love. What the world reckon it to be, what we feel, how we react to it, how we actually treat it. profound? I was trying to come up with my own definition to this word which the one of it is sacrifice. I feel the greatest love is sacrifice, God's sacrifice. How He sacrificed His son, He forgive us times and times again, help us with solutions, hear our complains, pick us up and give us a chance to try again, gave us freedom to choose and plan our life for us. Probably some will say this is nothing much since He is the one who created us hence He must bear with all the aftermath of creating us. But He is a wise God! Of course He does know these consequences...yet because He loves us, He chose to give us life and chose to face all the sacrifices...His son, time, effort, sadness, unhappiness.... He has everything...everything. But He chose to put up with our nonsense and disobedience... What great love. I guess i need more time to understand this love. A love that changed my life, a love that made me so different and distinct, a love that give me the motivation and drive to carry on in life. How to describe love? I would say God. Love means God. Because God=love.

Talking about love...i really gotta get down to issues in my life that have been in my head for super long. In other words, prepare myself for the next phase of life that i'm about to face: University life. Hearing so many different comments from so many people around me, i start to wonder how will my uni life be... oh well, before thinking and daydreaming about it, i shall get down to reading through my TL notes again. To refresh my memory of what's learnt and to really get down to doing them. One of which is spiritual journaling...which wasn't successful since i stopped from my one and only entry. HAHA.

Alright...shall end with something interesting that happened today:
I had my usual bball training today and after that we went for supper. The table had 6 guys 2 girls. The topic was: girls can be 28 days not nice and 2 days nice. Haha. Interesting heh? Out of 6 guys, 2 attached, 1 married, 3 single.
One of the attached one, who is going to get married soon, said,"Woman complains like there's no tomorrow. They complain about work, family, stress, friends...blah blah blah. Though we try to come out with solutions to help them, they'll never accept and find all sorts of reasons to disagree with our help. When we don't talk about it, they'll think that we aren't concern about her. Women..."
The married one add on,"Well, through the experiences i get from my marriage, woman just want to complain. They want us to sympathise with them and agree with them. To hear them and console them. The only thing we can counter this problem is to ask them if all these complains help to resolve everything." (Yea i think that's a smart ans.)
The other attached one said,"Yes...they're bothered by so many stuffs that they keep talking about them. Only 2 out of 30 days will they be "normal"."

Agree? Haha...half half. I believe we girls do have our occasional mood swings and complains day. But not so bad what right...not like we'll complain to them everyday. At least we bother to voice out...not like some guys who choose to keep within themselves thinking that its a wiser move. Bleah. HAha!!! :P

Whatever it is...isn't it then the reason why sexual differences exist?! In any case, we're all different, so don't generalise! And i will learn not to too... :P

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